I tried a couple of "RSS to twitter" services and both worked once and then never again. Google app engine looked like a good way of finding a server to do the stuff to join RSS to twitter. So I cobbled together bits of Python code and came up with this. (Update: September 2010 - updated to use oauth library. You'll need to register your app via dev.twitter.com to get the four keys below. )
(Paste in code from feedparser.org. Comment out the main program stuff.)(Paste in outh stuff from http://github.com/mikeknapp/AppEngine-OAuth-Library/blob/master/oauth.py)
You can see the results at twitter.com/wycombeweather and wycombeweather.appspot.com. If you want to do it for your local UK weather you'll need to change the figure 2111 above and use your own twitter account.
# Cobbled together from# http://highscalability.com/using-google-appengine-little-micro-scalability# http://pydanny.blogspot.com/2008/04/feedparser-does-not-work-with-google.htmlimport wsgiref.handlersimport urllib
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
import base64
import feedparser
import StringIO
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
def getWeather():
content = urlfetch.fetch("http://feeds.bbc.co.uk/weather/feeds/rss/5day/id/2111.xml").content
d = feedparser.parse(StringIO.StringIO(content))
if d.bozo == 1:
raise Exception("Can not parse given URL.")
return d['entries'][0]['title']
class WeatherText(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
supported by backstage.bbc.co.uk')
class UpdateWeather(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
message = getWeather()
# self.response.out.write(d['entries'][0]['title'] )
# message = datetime.now().ctime()
payload= {'status' : message,}
# payload= urllib.urlencode(payload, True) Removed when switching to oauth client
# Get rid of degree marks because they turn out as question marks in the final tweet
# payload = payload.replace('%3F','') degree marks work on twitter, appear as "deg" in txt, still wrong when main URL viewed
# self.response.out.write(payload)
# Your application Twitter application ("consumer") key and secret.
# You'll need to register an application on Twitter first to get this
# information: http://www.twitter.com/oauth
application_key = "im_not_telling_you"
application_secret = "nor_this"
# Get these from http://dev.twitter.com/apps/your_app_number/my_token
user_token = "this_is_a_secret"
user_secret = "this_is_definitely_a_secret"
# In the real world, you'd want to edit this callback URL to point to your
# production server. This is where the user is sent to after they have
# authenticated with Twitter.
callback_url = "%s/verify" % self.request.host_url
client = TwitterClient(application_key, application_secret, callback_url)
result = client.make_request("http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.xml", token=user_token, secret=user_secret, additional_params=payload, protected=False, method=urlfetch.POST)
# Removed when oauth implemented
# base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (login, password))[:-1]
# headers = {'Authorization': "Basic %s" % base64string}
# url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml"
# result = urlfetch.fetch(url, payload=payload, method=urlfetch.POST, headers=headers)
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', WeatherText),
if __name__ == '__main__':