Her book, Hello World, was released recently, so she's quite active on Twitter at the moment promoting that.
My hand is still hurting three days later & by the end my name had morphed into 'Hammah Fly', but the good news is that there are signed copies of Hello World up on the Waterstones website: https://t.co/KMCwbvRzPa #HelloWorld pic.twitter.com/19pV10rerc— Hannah Fry (@FryRsquared) August 6, 2018
I've picked her because she's a good broadcaster and explainer of maths. I particularly enjoy the Curious Cases of Rutherford & Fry, a 10 minute radio programme where they answer questions put by listeners. Each episode seems much longer as they pack so much in. The podcast version is a lot longer, so worth listening to in preference to the radio show.
You can see a list of other programmes she's done on her media page. I've enjoyed all of those that I've seen. This is my favourite tweet she's done (because I get the joke):
I baked a tau. pic.twitter.com/QTrtS7OdlV— Hannah Fry (@FryRsquared) October 10, 2017
My previous Ada Lovelace Day posts are here.